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mikel last won the day on October 21 2022

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  1. The 2 months is for any private cheat nexgen provides, you need to wait & have 2 months of an active subscription, but you can buy any public cheat that nexgen provides & get it instantly after the purchase hope this helps. 🙂 for any private cheats you will need to message @ViraL for any inquiries about purchasing a private cheat
  2. mikel


    Hi, Scum is a private cheat that you need to apply for through messaging @ViraL in private hope this helps 🙂
  3. NexGen - Hunt: Showdown
  4. Yes, all the functions are working correctly. & Yes, there is a vip discord for customers should join
  5. mikel


    https://www.nexgencheats.com/index.php?/terms/ 6.Refund Policy There are no possible refunds for any of our services, they are virtual and non tangible goods. By purchasing a VIP forum subscription you agree to these terms right at the point of sale. If you do not agree to these terms you are not allowed to purchase a vip subscription from this website. if you need help with anything else please let me know -mikel
  6. nothing's planned at the moment for new world but if something changes I will let you know.
  7. its not detected & safe to use.
  8. from my knowledge I don't think scums ever been detected 🙂
  9. @Raul please take look in to this thanks 🙂 LEGIT TAB: better prediction friend/group check PLEASE FIX RAGE TAB: no recoil no spread no sway NEED TO BE ADD TO HACK: debug camera - (free cam) ESP: explosive - item (LOOT)
  10. No Recoil No Sway
  11. vouch for trigger one more request agent esp - (kinda like name ESP but just shows what character they're using) head dot esp