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k1xor last won the day on September 21 2024

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  1. the aimbot works fine with any vehicle except jet/heli pilot
  2. nux is aware and will update the cheat asap
  3. nux just added the lowered toggle in the aimbot tab
  4. coder is aware, will be updated asap
  5. Cheat is ready to go for the latest game update, there is still some small stuff that needs to be fixed but the main features are working
  6. coder is aware of the update, will be updated asap
  7. yeah its not that user friendly for new users to begin with(maybe nux will implement a better way), sadly i lost my config file with all the good stuff /e found my config, you have to put that in your documents folder and name it the same as your forums user name(dont forget to calibrate your aimbot) item list "DrawAll", "Birds", "Supply_Box", "SimpleObjectSpawner", "TraitCharm", "SpineAltar", "EventEnvelope", "SpawnAnchor", "TripMine", "ConcertinaBomb", "StickyBomb", "sticking_projectile", "DynamiteStick", "FragBomb", "DynamiteBundle", "DyingHorse", "Drone", "SmallLoot", "SaddleBag", "SmallLootGunOil" k1xor.cfg
  8. set 5m to the "range" than activate "show all" now click the drop down menu(arrow down icon, left from the trashcan icon) write the name of the object you want to add to your filter and press 2x ENTER, after that you can edit for each object added the color/range etc by if you have more than 1 object added you have to HOLD DOWN STRG KEY and PRESS MOUSE1/LEFT CLICK for each object you added to your list to show them at the same time /e video for showcase
  9. cheat is up to date and ready to go soon after you bought, also its undetected
  10. with the latest cheat update all this stuff got added to the cheat as you can see here for the altars