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DemonScope last won the day on May 14 2022

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  1. Hey there, I love your products, however, what keeps me from comming back and buying my hunt showdown sub from you guys is that I wanna be able to use your product for hunt events aswell. I NEED the Esp to be able to track like XP shematics on the walls and especially Event items when they spawn in the world. Hunts has a lot of events always such as collect xp papers and The cheat doesnt track any of that, Thanks in Advance! - Peter
  2. Finally a more appealing website ! Looking good man 🙂 but one thing tho, you can only login with google or email. I would like to be able to login with my Username and passwort from this site here! Would be good if you could fix that
  3. Hey man, I would need support with my product.

  4. Hey there! I´m short on money but I did a lot of research and your chess really is simple but works flawless ! I saved up and in 1 week when I get out of my vacation, I will purchase another sub for it. And than for the next months in a row. Please keep it up with the rogue company cheat! Your product is amazing and I will buy it soon again. Much love ! <3 Peter
  5. I would like to buy the Rainbow Six Cheat, really do.  What can I do Viral ? 🙂

    1. ViraL


      Private message me..... not post on my profile 😉

  6. Hey Viral, 

    im comming back and I will be interested in buying another Rogue company sub time soon and I would love to test 1 week of Rainbow Six.


    How can I get acces to buy it ?

  7. Thanks for the answer! Sad to hear but you will have your reasons. Have a good one!
  8. Hey there! A cheat for the game Hunt Showdown would be great! This game has a solid playerbase that is requesting cheats and the market is not very full of serious, safe to use software. Hope you have a nice day!
  9. I sold my last 3 socks for Cheat subscriptions, if you have money over and flex on us like that 😛 help a brother out. @Cyril Soubeirat
  10. Hello there! I just want to mention that I´ve had a nice time with the Rogue company subscription! I want to add that there were times (while 3h straight of gaming with it) where the ESP stopped working midgame, Esp was frozen left and right of the screen and it took around a minute to register the playermodels again! Furthermore (I dont know if its something that other cheats have regularly) a silent aimbot for this/any game would be a great addition to the subscription. Especially when you get spectated by 3 guys with a already quiet smooth aimbot, it can be seen here and there. A silent aimer would be great! Thats it for me! thank you and see you around ❤️
  11. Soooo, my rogue company cheat subscription is about to run out and I can just say I really enjoyed the time I´ve spend fragging with a wonderful (but sadly not silent) aimbot! The Esp is just awsome and flawless and for 30$ it was definitly a good and fair deal! I want to thank you guys and I will def. come back to buy another cheat on here! Lovely! +rep
  12. Hello there, I´m Demon (or Pete) from Germany and here for around 1 month now. So war I really enjoy it and I´ve joined this community to cheat in Rogue Company. The cheat is decent ! I´m 20 years old and Im always looking to play with open minded guys, so hit me up if you wanna play. Nothing much left to say, I love yall and hope you stay healthy. Have a good time and enjoy ! *Peter ❤️
  13. germany kicks in 😄 Hello there! Vital seems handsome to mee :3