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High Roller
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Nieth last won the day on September 30 2023

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20 Excellent


About Nieth

High Roller

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  1. Nieth

    Ironsight Hacks

    If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. x
  2. I assume it will be compensated once the cheat is online... And as I have told you multiple times, if lost time is not compensated, PM ViraL on the forums or on Discord.
  3. I don't really think anyone knows what is going on right now. Last I heard Raul had it updated. I would encourage you to join our Discord (right side of home screen) and PM ViraL or ask in general chat. Hope this helps. Our coder is going through IRL relocation so I hope you understand the lack of activity/support.
  4. Was your entire screen black? Make sure you choose window capture as oppose to game capture.
  5. You do need to be a VIP subscriber before you become a private cheat access member. Hopefully this thread can clarify. https://www.nexgencheats.com/index.php?/topic/7-how-to-become-a-private-hack-subscriber/
  6. I've touched on this a couple times, when the game devs stop releasing several updates a week, Raul may look into bringing it back. Right now it's just too much work for our coder to keep it online.
  7. Spam posting messages won't get you private cheat access.
  8. It's been temporarily disabled as the updates were taking too much time to patch. It may come back in the future.
  9. You aren't welcome to talk to others like that on the forums. It's demeaning and disrespectful to your peers. Please keep this in mind with future posts.
  10. That's partially incorrect. You do have to purchase a VIP subscription first, and then you need to PM ViraL with the necessary information required and ask for private cheat access. However, if you've been a member with a VIP subscription for at least 2 months, there is a possibility that you can get private cheat access without providing your credentials. As @m4a19527520mentioned, you can bypass all these steps just by buying the high roller package, however if you don't want to buy that package you will have to buy a VIP subscription 1 way or another.
  11. Your Premium membership only covers non-VIP cheats. You can buy high-roller to get permanent lifetime access to our VIP cheats, OR you can simply buy the the standalone Blacksquad cheat on a montly basis here: If you are interested in seeing the Blacksquad cheat showcased, feel free to check out a video I made on it.
  12. Nieth


    This is an English-speaking only forum. Please use a translator.
  13. This just means you have to buy and use one of our other cheats first. This is just a screening process that will familiarize yourself with the loader and prove understand the rules of the site, etc. @ViraLcan probably explain more. I personally bought CS:GO before I got SCUM because I already had CS:GO. I would recommend buying a VIP cheat that you already have the game for so you can familiarize yourself with the loader and menu.
  14. The item ESP hack does work on SCUM.