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Everything posted by Dwayne

  1. HAI!!! Welcome to the nuthouse....don't be afraid πŸ˜‰
  2. ....not expensive for what you get πŸ˜‰
  3. Dwayne

    We're Back

    Welcome back team!! Glad everyone is ok!!....game on Wayne 🀣
  4. Really?? https://www.nexgencheats.com/index.php?/hack-status/ ....and you managed to miss ALL the other posts saying that the hacks are not available at the moment?? 😧
  5. https://www.nexgencheats.com/index.php?/hack-status/ It is not available at the moment so you will not be able to buy it. Keep checking the status though.
  6. https://www.nexgencheats.com/index.php?/hack-status/ Cheat is not available at the moment
  7. https://www.nexgencheats.com/index.php?/hack-status/
  8. Status is that none of the hacks are available at the moment. Best to keep checking back at the status page πŸ™‚
  9. @xii , the hacks are not available at the moment, not sure when they are going to be good to go again (COVID is causing problems for the NexGen team). When they are online the hacks are the best (I've been using them for ages and never had an issue being detected) 😁
  10. @FuturesEye no one knows at the moment.......COVID is severely disrupting the coders lives πŸ˜• Keep checking back though, the Admin team will make announcements when things are back to 'normal' 😊
  11. Hi @Zazuhh, the hacks are not available at the moment.
  12. Hi @bluedark , the hacks are not available at the moment.
  13. Dwayne

    Ironsight Hacks

    @cyuftA the real issue is when people come to a site 'demanding' stuff in a condescending tone, which, your original and subsequent follow up post's were..... A lot of the regulars and supporters are forgiving & understanding, but every week we see the same thing again and again........users coming in wanting hacks immediately and raging when it doesn't happen........it wears really thin....and I am guessing even more so when the admins see it again and again. Nexgen provide a service. If that service is unavailable at the time then it is what it is, meh, welcome to the world of quality hacks........move on. (Nexgen have always provided me a good service, hence why I chose to upgrade my subscription). Ultimately everyone has a choice....purchase the product or don't......but don't bitch about it. 2020 is a write off.......the planet has been slapped in the face with a jandel (a New Zealand reference) and everyone is suffering in one form or another. I am not an official spokesman for Nexgen, I'm just a supporter and subscriber. In my short time with them they have done me and my friends right without question. The simple answer is: At the moment the hacks you want for Ironsite are not available. When they are, i am sure the admin team will update the hack status and webpage accordingly. Until then game on!!!! 😈
  14. Dwayne

    Ironsight Hacks

    @Cyril Soubeirat hey mate, long time no see, how you going?
  15. Dwayne

    Ironsight Hacks

    So you posted a message 2 1/2 days ago (my time) and because you didn't get an answer straight away you are really not happy?? Interesting that you posted this in the GENERAL CONTENT / Suggestions section, I say "interesting" because there is a perfectly good section called "Pre-Sale Questions and Answers" where obviously after 10 minutes looking at the 100's of other posts and requests there, it would reveal that as a result of COVID-19 the hacks are not available at the moment. The admin and coding team are working on getting things back to normal as quick as they can. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out......SEE YA!! πŸ‘‹ ✌️
  16. Hi @maxmen, welcome πŸ™‚ The hacks are not available at the moment (the COVID pandemic is causing the coders a few hassles), but keep checking back, hopefully something will be available soon πŸ‘
  17. HELLO!....and welcome πŸ™‚
  18. ....about 7lbs without the attachments?
  19. I would think that they will post something in the announcements forum (which you will have access too) when things are back to normal πŸ™‚
  20. @a1a1abrams you can't at the moment mate......have to wait until the admin / coding team are up and running again.....COVID-19 has caused issues for everyone, can only patiently wait. Keep checking back though for ROE and other hacks. ☺️
  21. I believe that they deleted a whole lot of messages from the Chatbox, because they were support related questions (i.e. hack not working / what's happening with this etc. etc.). If you admin or moderate any type of forum it is frustrating as heck when you have to keep explaining and explaining the same things over and over. The admins and mods have every right to moderate their forums as they see fit. That is the end of it (especially when posts go off topic and doubly especially when they say 'enough' or 'knock it off'). It is in big red text above the chatbox...."No Support in the Chatbox" ❗ All it takes is 5 minutes of searching, clicking and reading. 99% of the information is there, including everyone saying that there are IRL issues going on, hacks are not updated, and we will be told when things will be back to normal. Guys, seriously, stop going on about it πŸ™. There is nothing anyone can do at the moment. If users don't like it there is an exit door over there -------------> πŸ‘‹ This is a reliable place, they are not going to throw away 10+ years of quality service and products. πŸ€™ I have always had a good experience and good service. ❀️ (......locking in 5....4....3....2...) 😝
  22. Hi @Sam1525 the hacks were working fine. At the moment they have not been updated though, not sure when that will happen but the team will let us know. Other than that all is good. RoE however sucks.....barely anyone playing now. NA server is dead. Not sure about EU, so just the AS server left. Sometime you get good games, other times it is the HUYA team running hacks on full aimbot and wall hacks, and teaming as well so you don't even get a chance (playing in squads (3's)) had 6 of them all dressed the same glide in en-mass and head shot everyone without blinking.....not fun. So yeah.... LOL
  23. For the Discord Admins My usernames in the forum, on Discord and in games are different (for various reasons).....any chance we can get the roles from the forum transferred to Discord as well? i.e. in Discord have roles as: Administrators Moderators High Rollers Premimum VIP ....and then the ability to change our username? It can help when talking between the 2 platforms. 😊