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Everything posted by Scout

  1. alright cool thanks man, gonna give it a try.
  2. yea most all feedback was great, it was just 2 or 3 i don't remember where in forums because i looked all through them lol, one was wrong windows version or something and another was hardware id. might of been one more but i can't remember
  3. yea i looked over everything i could find on it and it looks amazing, the only reason i ask is because i seen a few posts where people said they couldn't get it to work, that's the only reason i ask. Thank you for the quick reply though
  4. Is there something like a 24h or 3day trial for you're hack? specifically the one for ironsight, i would like to try it out and make sure it will work with no issues before i spend the money but if it does i will be more than happy to buy a full year subscription because the youtube video of it looks amazing lol plus the game is fun and this will just make it even more fun.