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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/24 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    yeah its not that user friendly for new users to begin with(maybe nux will implement a better way), sadly i lost my config file with all the good stuff /e found my config, you have to put that in your documents folder and name it the same as your forums user name(dont forget to calibrate your aimbot) item list "DrawAll", "Birds", "Supply_Box", "SimpleObjectSpawner", "TraitCharm", "SpineAltar", "EventEnvelope", "SpawnAnchor", "TripMine", "ConcertinaBomb", "StickyBomb", "sticking_projectile", "DynamiteStick", "FragBomb", "DynamiteBundle", "DyingHorse", "Drone", "SmallLoot", "SaddleBag", "SmallLootGunOil" k1xor.cfg
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