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enesfalan last won the day on June 30 2020

enesfalan had the most liked content!

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  • Puzzled
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  1. I wonder if the return date is determined for roe? Game: Ring Of Elysium Anticheat: Tencent Engine:? Platform: Steam (pc)
  2. Is there a predicted date? Best in nexgn because there is no other place
  3. I hope your only livelihood is not nexgen !! You rogue. you lost two customers, hope you are happy. you can be sure that I will black out your name on all forums
  4. Is the severity of the situation understood now? i hope understood
  5. Are you accusing us of lying? I am claiming. There are more than 12 days. 15 days in total...
  6. I agree.. I'm tired of waiting now..!
  7. hand should be taken as soon as possible. we need to update first and then back off the days we don't use. thx
  8. Absolutely right. even more than 12 days. Half of my monthly package has been waiting for updates, now it has expired. INJUSTICE..